No.23 Referenced from ~ Part1 - Chapter 3 - Christianity Proposition 2

Cross: Principle of the establishment of the Post-Apostles' faith - "Awakening to Unknown Truth" Type

Let us take the parable of the "Unjust Judge" from the Gospel of Luke. This parable teaches us that if even an unjust judge will eventually hear a case, it is impossible for a righteous God not to judge. However, according to the doctrine of the cross, I believe that God is also like an unjust judge.

We are sensitive to injustice. Of course, this is true when evil is done, but we also dislike it when good is done unjustly. In Japan, there is an amnesty system, and criminals' sentences are sometimes reduced or waived depending on some turning point related to the emperor. I feel uncomfortable every time a pardon is issued. However, recalling the parable, I also think the following.

- If God were a just judge who judged us fairly, there would be no salvation for me. Isn't it clearly an unjust judgment to say that we are forgiven in Christ's place because he was crucified? However, I feel that there would be no hope of salvation for me unless it were based on such an unjust verdict. -