No.65 Referenced from ~ Part1 - Chapter 1 - Gigue

Hyaku oku no Hiru to Sen oku no Yoru [Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights]

In one of the comic books I read when I was young, there was an Asura as the main character. The role of Jesus in the story was so absurd that I don't read it now, but when I think of his character, I imagine that King Asura would say something like this.

"God of Jesus! The people are the sheep, and you are the 'Good Shepherd' - that's ridiculous! Isn't it the shepherd's job to slaughter the sheep? You are a deceiver of the sheep."

If the Christian God turns out to be evil even though he is on my side, I too will suspend fact-based faith and instead invoke idealism, still pursuing the truth. It's a bit Nietzschean or cartoonish, but that's what I would like to do.

I once decided that my picture for my life was not to live toward the goals and dreams that the utilitarian world offered. Just as I did then, let me ask again there, "What does man live by?"