No.30 Referenced from ~ Part1 - Chapter 4 - Approach

Two Meanings of "Need" Jesus

The apostle Paul and modern theology share the same view that faith is impossible if one does not know about Jesus.

"How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?" (Romans 10:14 NIV)

"Some consensus may be discerned as developing among Christian scholars devoted to Jesus Research (or the Third Quest). First, some knowledge of what Jesus did and intended to accomplish is necessary...(Omitted)" (J.H.Charlesworth)

It has been a consistent understanding since the early church that Christian faith requires knowledge of Jesus. However, I would like to ask the following question about this all too obvious idea.

When we say that "knowledge of Jesus is necessary for Christian faith," does that "necessary" mean that it is necessary for Christian faith to be possible?

Alternatively does that "necessary" mean that it is necessary for the Christian faith we have to be correct?