No.22 Referenced from ~ Part1 - Chapter 3 - Christianity Proposition 2

Cross: Principle of the establishment of the Post-Apostles' faith - "Awakening to Unknown Truth" Type

The apostle's resurrection proposition, "God judged Jesus to be righteous," confirmed the disciples' belief that Jesus was righteous while he was alive. Therefore, the discovery of this interpretation of Jesus' resurrection is the discovery of something that restores what they once knew but is now lost.

In this case, the doctrine of the resurrection as a principle of faith can be said to be a proposition of the "restoration of known truth."

In contrast, understanding the doctrine of the cross in the Book of Romans is more difficult to understand than the doctrine of the resurrection. In the doctrine of the resurrection, the apostle's current understanding is the basis, and their "beliefs about Jesus" are approved, but in the doctrine of the cross, the "ideas about sin and salvation" that we normally have are not approved. In other words, here, Christianity is not found as an extension of one's own beliefs, as "this is what I was looking for," but is found with the shock of "my understanding was wrong."