No.21 Referenced from ~ Part1 - Chapter 3 - Christianity Proposition 2

Cross: Principle of the establishment of the Post-Apostles' faith - "Awakening to Unknown Truth" Type

The problem with the doctrine of the cross is not the low moral consciousness that is said to have been prevalent in Judaism at the time of Jesus. The problem with many religions is the difficulty of putting the doctrine into practice, and they are thought to have a correct understanding about what should be practiced.

"It is easier to say than to do" or "Easy to say, easy to do, but extremely difficult to have the right mental attitude when doing it" is their problem consciousness, and in modern religions, including Judaism, and in the ethical views of modern people, they think there is no doubt about what is right.

However, this is where the doctrine of the cross comes in and distinguishes Christianity from other religions and ethical ideas. The problem, this doctrine tells us, is not that we cannot practice what is right or cannot maintain the right mindset when practicing, but that we have a wrong understanding about "what is right thing?".