No.10 Referenced from ~ Part1 - Chapter 1 - Episode 3

"Conversion of Night Era to Day Era" and the Universe

When I asked him how "Conversion Night - Day" dogma related to the way he lived, he replied, "Since that's the way the world works, I will live according to it." I was disappointed and said, "Let's suppose that God exists as you say, but what does it matter if God exists?"

Not long after that, however, I had an experience that put me in the opposite position. I often talked about the universe at gatherings with my friends. One day, while I was having such a conversation with my classmates, a friend interrupted us. He said that the celebrity love stories in the weekly magazines were more important than the universe. "People fall in love with each other. To us, is there anything more important than that?"

To me, the teachings of "Conversion Night - Day" did not seem important, but to my friend, "the universe" was the same kind. I was shocked at the thought that the universe was not important.