No.11 Referenced from ~ Part1 - Chapter 1 - Reflection

What is being questioned in "The Factual Dependence of Faith"

Asking those who believe in the Bible about the meaning of its veracity is the same as asking those who are interested in the universe why a view of the universe is important. It is also asking whether the origin of species can be an important issue for us who exist as descendants of species.

How would I answer this question? Would I still regard the facts of the world as important and say, "Since the world is as it is, I must live according to it?" Or, as "someone" says, should we live refusing to base our view of life on such things, no matter what the world is like, whether there is a God or not, how mankind was born, or whether the articles of the Bible are true or not?

It is certainly possible to live a life that does not depend on the world, no matter what it is.However, no one can say that he or she lives regardless of what he or she is. Kant's rigorism ethics would overlook this "finiteness" of the self.