No.18 Referenced from ~ Part1 - Chapter 3 - Christianity Proposition 1 Resurrection: Principle of the establishment of the Apostles' faith - "Restoration of Known Truth" Type
In each and every kerygma, the fact that this passage has been preserved in exactly the same form is a sign that the apostle's intention was placed precisely here. What, then, did the apostle Peter intend to appeal to by this? - You crucified Jesus but God raised him. - This statement, of course, does not assert a paradox, as Bultmann does. It is clear that the main point is not to present a paradoxical Christology about the life and death of Jesus, "Jesus died, but he is still alive," or about the flash (humanity) and divinity of Jesus, "Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ of God." Here, not two natures of Jesus are contrasted, but two judgments made upon Jesus: - You judged Jesus worthy of execution, but God judged him worthy of resurrection. - |