Part 1 The Theory of Faith | Hirohumi Hoshika |
■Essay 1
[1] Zahrnt, Heinz. 20seiki no purotesutanto shingaku [Protestant Theology in the 20th Century (Part 1)] Trans. shinkyosemina. Tokyo: Shinkyo-Syuppansya, 1998. Print (133).
Kiristokyo Daijiten [Christian Encyclopedia] "Fides historica" Tokyo: Kyobunkan. 1983. Print (888).
■Essay 2
[1] The reasons why Christian faith must be accompanied by a historical understanding of Jesus are explained in Part 1 - Chapter 3 (12).
■Easy study
[1] Russell,Bertrand. Seiyō tetsugaku-shi 3 [History of Western Philosophy] Trans. Saburo Ichii, Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo, 1976. Print.
[2] Kant, Immanuel. Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. Trans. Cristopher Bennett, Joe Saunders, and Robert Stern. New York: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2015. Print. (55).
[3] ibid., (54-55).
[4] Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Practical Reason. Trans. Mary Gregor. Cambridge: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2003. Print. (72).
[5] ibid., (78).
■Essay 3
[1] Hick, John H. Philosophy of Religion. 4th ed. Englewood Cliffs: A Simon & Schuster, 1990. Print (95). (Paraphrase).
[2] ibid., (95-96).
[3] ibid., (95). (Paraphrase).
■Essay 4
[1] Bruce, F.F. The New Testament Documents "Are They Reliable?", Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 6th Edition, 1981. Print. (1).
[2] Bultmann, R. Iesu [Jesus]. Trans. Junshiro Kawabata, Seiichi Yagi. Tokyo: Mirai-sya, 1989. Print. (12). "For I, of course and we, believe that we know very little about the life and person of Jesus."
The same passage is also cited in the following books:
Mitton, C. Leslie. Iesu: Sono jijitsu to shinko [Jesus: The Fact behind the Faith]. Trans. Junji Kinoshita. Tokyo: KYO BUN KWAN, 1980. Print. (41).
Hunter, A. M. Shiteki Iesu to Fukuinsho [Bible and Gospel]. Trans. Gosaku Okada, Sadao Kawashima. Tokyo: KYO BUN KWAN, 1980. Print. 1976. (204).
[1] Mitsuse, Ryu, and Moto Hagio. Hyaku oku no Hiru to Sen oku no Yoru ①/② [Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights Vol.1,2]. Tokyo: Akia-Syoten, 1977/1978. Print.
[2]『歎異抄』〔二〕岩波書店 1982年 p.43
[3] イエスおよび神が牧者に喩えられることは、ヨハネ福音書10章14節、詩篇23篇他、旧新約聖書を通じて多数。また、一般に牧畜の仕事には屠殺が含まれる。